
Semestral Project

The semester Exam project had as objective to learn new techniques
and applied it using colors and markers. It had to be something abstract we
should try to give it color and beauty. We applied new techniques such as
pointillism, blending, cross crossing, and shading. The challenging of this
  project was that we should apply all those techniques with colors and markers.
  I had a lot of difficulty using markers as I didn’t know how to blend them
  together. With colors the job was easier as I could erase it if I messed up. I
  think one of the strength and advantages I had in this project was the use of
  bright colors. By using all this colors I try to capt the attention of the
  people so they can notice my work.

My map

The map project was the project I enjoy the most doing in 9th grade. It gave each of us the opportunity to show our personality.  The map had to contain symbols, which would express something important in our lives. An important symbol I had in my map, is the clocks. I am afraid that I would not have enough time to do all my dreams and achieve all my goals. Other symbol I have is a Japanese letter, which means my passion for this culture, and a future trip to Japan.  Other important symbol is the friends valley, it is really important in your life to be surrounded with people you can trust and always count on. My friends are the ones that are always there, and will always help me no matter what.  There is also a tree that represents my family. Even thought my family is really big, we are really close together.  In this maps there are also some future goals and dreams. I really enjoy doing this project as I had the opportunity to be creative and show a part of me.  The weakness I had in this project was that we use watercolors for most of the project, and I didn’t knew how to use them. If you did something wrong with water colors you couldn’t do anything, so I was afraid to mess up my entire project. Also with watercolors you had to be careful that the colors don’t blend together, you also had to be carefull to don’t use to much water, and take care of details.  My strengths during this project was that I understand how to use this new technique.


Doing sketches was one of the way were I just let my imagination to
guide me. Every sketche was unique.  Doing my sketches I had a lot of relief as I just draw what I was feeling or thinking. I particularly love to sketches because I relax while doing them. This sketche is one of my favorites, and one of the hardest sketches I ever made. While painting, I use the technique of blending and shading with colors.  I found it challenging as I had to combined the different colors so they can blend together. Before painting I had  to think what colors will go well together. One of my strengths as I finished the project was that I got better at shading, and with this project I practice a lot this technique.